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Giveaway^2 Contest

Giveaway^2 Contest - (April 2024)

Giveaway-Squared: Contestants will share links to Amazon freebies of my ebooks, and the person that collects the most hits will be given a hardback. So the giveaway power is squared!

(Only subscribers to my newsletter are eligible.)

Prize: Signed Hardcover *


Unholy Priestess










Unholy Priestess 〰️ Trollin4Books 〰️ Angel 〰️ DragonBait 〰️ AccioBugs 〰️


Below are the links to be shared (GoTP means Guardian of The Palace and MoT means Mother of Trees). You’ll notice that the “utm_source” is your contestant name, and the two links will redirect people, through my web site, to the Amazon site. One link for each of the two books that will be free ebooks on Amazon for the duration of the contest.

You should also have received an email with a Google Drive collection of images that might be useful for creative posts.

Through that “utm” mechanism, I can collect hits using Google Analytics.

* Outside the USA, the prize will be something equivalent in price to shipping a signed hardback (which probably means an unsigned paperback or hardback… it depends on the location)


Unholy Priestess is the winner across for both books!

Clicks for The Guardian of The Palace

Clicks for Mother of Trees

Raw Click Data